Become Happier & Healthier YOU


I work to provide my clients with the tools & knowledge to take control of their overall health. It is my goal to provide guidance, education, encouragement and accountability to those looking to move towards healthy living.

Warrior Soul Coaching


I believe that clarity is the foundation for freedom so we will have a casual conversation, where I will ask you a few questions to get to know you and find out a little bit about your health goals. 

When I have a clear picture of what you want to accomplish, I will choose the program that I think suits your specific needs. 

Every program is individualized. No two people are alike, so I like to find out as much as possible so that we can get you the exact tools you need to see success, right out of the gate.

Why You Need Warrior Soul Coaching 


I strongly believe in the holistic principle that in order to have your body healthy as a whole, you must be healthy in three areas: healthy body, healthy mind, and healthy finances. Many are surprised when I say that finances play a key role in your overall health.  They don’t say that “money is the root of all evil” for shits and giggles. Unhealthy finances can cause stress, anxiety, depression, heart disease, high blood pressure and inflammation.  We will get to the root of your health issues and work out a plan to help you reach your desired goals.  

My programs consist of four components. It is designed to offer you life long transformation by developing one healthy habit at a time. The goal is not that you reach your goal but that you develop the mindset and skills to continue to optimize your health. The program has 4 components that work synergistically together. Each component holds 25% weight and when all used together they comprise a battle plan that is bulletproof.

First, you get a health coach. That’s me! I will be connected with you each week, via text, email, social media and even an old fashioned phone call. This is a two way relationship. I expect to hear from you, even when you are struggling. 

Speaking of staying connected, you will get a community of likeminded people that are all working toward their own personal goals like you. I believe strongly in community as we become like the people we spend the most time with. When moving forward in your health goals, it is imperative to surround yourself with others who are moving forward like you. I will plug you into our private community as well as our weekly community calls. As your body and demeanor change while on the program, people will start noticing and asking you questions. When they do, you will have the opportunity to build your community around you by inviting them to join you on your journey. Getting healthy is so much better with friends.

Next is education! Transformation is not just a number on the scale. Transformation happens when we change the way we think, the number on the scale is just a byproduct of the whole process. As you work with me, we will work together through the habits of health system. These programs are designed to reprogram any stinking thinking that is keeping you from moving forward in your health, it will equip you to re-write your story, and developing you the power to install habits for the rest of your life. 

Lastly, simple structured nutrition. No matter what plan I recommend for you to meet your specific health goals and dietary needs, you will eat 6-7 times a day, which is about every 2-3 hours. YES, you read that correctly. Fueling your body properly is key to bringing out that strong warrior within. You will not be starving on my program.  You will drink 90-100 ounces of water daily.  You will no longer have time for drama because you will be in the restroom all day! Well, not really but you will be hydrating so that your body functions at optimal levels.  

You will learn how to cook balanced, nutritious meals that taste amazing and designed to get your body into a mild yet efficient fat burn where you will not only lose weight and inches, you will have great energy, burn fat, sleep better, not be hungry and lose that yucky brain fog feeling most of us get when we aren’t taking care of ourselves.

What’s truly amazing is that at the beginning,  the work is done for you so you can focus on the heart and head work while your body is transforming from the inside out.  When you reach your goal, I will walk you through transition and assist you as you work back up to a caloric intake that fits your active lifestyle. 

As your health coach I will be there every step of the way to help educate, support & guide you on your health journey, but the key to your success will be YOU. 
Book Your FREE Coaching Session!

Crystal's Story

My name is Crystal. My health journey is a long one with lots of highs and lows.

My highest weight was 202 (after kids) and I absolutely hated how I felt. No energy, no love for myself. I fought my way down, by myself, to 120 about 11 years ago (when I turned 40).

Felt great and did great at keeping it off for along time. I started martial arts, cardio kickboxing and finding a whole new person. 

Then COVID hit and my days were filled with sitting and eating.

Two and a half months off was all it took to gain back up to 160! I was so disappointed in myself. I needed something that would be easier than the last time. Little to no meal prep, easy to take with me. I worked long days and was typically out of the house for 12-15 hours every day.

Shelly introduced me to an amazing health plan that I could take with me. What I love most is that she was there every step of the way. We had daily or weekly calls or text conversations, if need be. If I needed help outside of those time periods, Shelly is always able to talk or gets back to me quickly. She’s an amazing resource for everything!


I’m down to a healthier weight, happier in my new body and loving everything I’ve learned and continue to learn from her. I would not be where I am today without her guidance and support. Thank you Shelly!!


So How Do You Get Started?


First, let's schedule a session.


This free session will take 30 minutes during which we'll discuss the current state of your health concerns and what you would like to work to accomplish by transitioning to a healthier way of living. 

Together we will identify your goals & the challenges you will face throughout your journey. We will then begin to outline the steps needed to help you work toward achieving your personal goals. 


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Or Start Your Transformational Journey Straight Away by Selecting One of the Plans Below!


Group Accountability Coaching 

$67/ month
My accountability coaching is just that... I keep you accountable to your goals!

My accountability program includes:

  • A done-for-you meal plan,
  • One monthly emergency call,
  • Weekly text check-ins, and
  • Access to my private online coaching group!
Click to Get Access Now

One on One Personal Coaching

$199/ month
Take your health to the next level with our Habits Coaching and Nutritional Support!

My accountability program includes:

  • One hour health assessment and meal planning,
  • Bi-weekly 15 minute accountability phone calls,
  • Two monthly emergency calls, and
  • Access to my private online coaching group!
Click to Get Access Now

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